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The Older I Get, A valentine's Day Poem from Team KKB

The older I get, the better I understand life.
To be able to breath, see, touch, feel, hear and smell,
is the beauty of life, at any age.
I understand that life is simple.
 It's the most wonderful thing to experience as a human.
It's our foolishness to make it complicated.
Fears and worries are to be left behind.
They stop us from moving forward
They steal our peace of mind and ruin our lives.
I've understood how important it is to be true to ourselves,
as we will be judged regardless of what we do.
Do not compare yourself to others
Do not seek anyone's affirmation or approval
Quit judging and start loving.
See the good in others and help them overcome their fears
A small act of kindness can change a person's day
As a human, we can make an impact on another's life.
I understand that money is important
but not as important as our relationship.
It's the size of your heart that matters.
A good relationship with the right person can bring peace, happiness and contentment.
Money comes and goes but time and people won't.
The older I get, the better I understand the beauty of true love.
That the passion never dies when it's pure.
It doesn't let you calculate years,
because no amount of time spent with the one is ever enough.
It also makes me understand its good to have a meaningful and deep relationship.
Love is to choose one from a billion and be sure till the end,
once you have promised each other to stick around through thick and thin.
There can be no love without trust and loyalty.
Of all the things, it's important to keep your relationship pure.
The one who loves you will never hurt you
 and the one who hurts never loved you.
Love is about making each other feel safe and comfortable,
regardless of temptations and distance.
I understand that love is about not giving up on someone
even in a dire situation.
The older I get, the better I understand friendship.
That it's not about having too many friends
It's about a few that will always stick around.
It's the constant support and encouragement with a few good people that needs to be valued and cherished forever.
A true friendship and love can never be temporary.
The older I get, the better I understand life.

Written By Solomon Teye Mensah Addo ( KKB)

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