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Set of Questions you should expect from Enumerators in the 2021 Population and Housing Census.

 Set of Questions you should expect from Enumerators in the 2021 Population and Housing Census.

The questions might range from Personal Data, 

Below are about 100 questions you might be asked depending on your status on census night; *27th June, 2021*



Popular name of Household Member

Date of Birth

District of birth

Region of Birth

Place of Residence

Ghanaian by birth or nationality

Ethnic group, you belong

Do you write or understand any language?

Read or write any language?

Ever, Never or attending school school?

Level of schooling

Highest grade Completed

Where you were born? It refers to the usual place of residence of your mother when u were born

The main reason for moving from your town or village if you have

Type of denomination


Religious Affiliation


Ghana Post Digital Address


Current Marital Status

Is your Biological parents alive or dead (father & mother)?

Visitor(s) Present during Census Night?

Wife’s biological mother Details {alive or Dead}.

Wife’s biological Details alive

Number of children born to females alive or dead in the household (12 -54yrs)

Absent Usual HouseHold Member?

Anyone who used to be a Household Member been living continuously or intend to live outside Ghana for the next 12months?

Your engagement in any economic activities

Work Contract Agreement

Job or Occupation Description

Relationship of members to Household head

If a member has travelled to the destination town of the village


District or country of destination

If you are covered by NHIS or other private Health Insurance

Name of 1st Household Members

Type of dwelling?

Construction material used for the outer wall of the dwelling unit

Roofing Material for the dwelling unit

Construction Material for your Floor

 Present holding tenancy arrangement of the dwelling?

Number of rooms for dwelling

Number of Sleeping Rooms

Source of Lighting for the Dwelling

The secondary source of Lighting for the Dwelling

The main source of fuel for cooking

The secondary source of fuel for cooking

Type of Cooking Space

The main source of Drinking water

The main source of water for domestic use cooking and Washing

 Type of Bathing facility

If you own a radio/ Stereo

If you own a fixed telephone line?

If you own a cordless telephone

If you own a Digital Television

Number of Digital Television

Analog Television

If you Currently own a refrigerator

Number of (Fridges)

If your household currently own a deep freezer

Number of Deep freezers

Whether you own a desktop computer

Whether you own a Laptop

Number of Laptops

If you own a bicycle

If you own a tricycle

Motor cycle

Car of truck

Number of Cars/trucks

If you own a tractor

Animal-driven cart


If you own a Canoe

Do you own an Outboard Motor

Do you own a Home theatre

Number of Home theatre

Type of refuse receptacle

How rubbish is been disposed

Toilet facilities mainly used by your Household

Type of Drop Hole/Seat

Number of Toilet cubicles available

Is it shared with another Household

How is water waste disposed off?

What kind of work did you engaged yourself *7 days before census night?*

Did you work for profit, kind, or voluntary?

Are you Employee, Own business, casual worker, laborer etc

The sector that you work in?

Your Main work or Business

Employment Status

*Note; Answers given are Strictly Confidential and would be used for Statistical Purposes Only.*

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