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THE BEHOLDER (A Man's Cry) A poem written by P. K Addisu


I have seen the beautiful morning sun
Embracing the dark light from afar.
I have watched the once alluring sunflower
Bow down to it origin.
I have observed the blind kitten's vision
Became very conscious.
I have witness Rocks shift their positions
And reduce in sizes.

I have seen mother's Breast fall
Like a magnet that has lost it faith.
I Have studied the map built with veins
On Fathers face.
I have been a Spectator to brother's cutlasses
Become as blunt as a hummer.
I have noticed sister become a victim of Marriage
I have been the Guest of Major family vacuum.

Oh Yes I have seen it all
But the Main Puzzle remained unsolved
Why Would the Creator cause everything
To expire soon after its beauty effulges ?
Why would He Let the Wicked live longer?
My Eyes have seen more pepper than better.
Oh Poor me!!!

A mere handy work of the Creator.
Built with sand and ends in sand.
We are no match for His authorities
We Do accordingly to His will
For what He has is what He gives

What's that noise I hear about freedom?
We are never free.
We are never ever free
We are just but set's of Lego He plays with.
He fixes us the way it pleases His eyes.
For we are His play field.

Oh!! Mighty One!!!
I pray thee, If thou art is Perfect,
If Thy will be Done.
Make no scenes and memories of thy faithful servant.
For it is more than I can handle.

 Written by,PK Addisu. You can add up on Facebook @ Prince Addisu

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