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                 OKOWAYO MENSAH
                NDC, NINGO-PRAMPRAM
                  Son of Ningo-Prampram

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) can take several steps to ensure that they are not being rigged in the 2024 elections. 

Here are some suggestions:

1.Encourage voter education: The NDC can organize voter education campaigns to educate their supporters on their rights and responsibilities during the election. This will help to ensure that voters are aware of how to vote and how to report any suspicious activities at the polling station.

 Monitor the voter register: The NDC can monitor the voter register to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. This will help to prevent voter disenfranchisement and ensure that the elections are fair.

 Train party agents: The NDC can train their party agents on how to monitor the voting process and report any irregularities to the appropriate authorities. This will help to ensure that the elections are free and fair.

 Advocate for transparency: The NDC can advocate for transparency in the electoral process, including the counting and tabulation of votes. This will help to prevent any attempts at rigging or manipulation of the results.

 Engage in dialogue with other political parties:
The NDC can engage in dialogue with other political parties to ensure that there is a level playing field for all candidates. This will help to prevent any attempts to rig the election by any of the political parties.

Overall, it is important for the NDC to remain vigilant and proactive in their efforts to ensure a fair and transparent electoral process in 2024. By taking these steps, they can help to prevent any attempts at rigging and ensure that the will of the people is accurately reflected in the election results.

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